Real Time Operation Analysis
Analysis your whole operation from one place
Gain access to new factors affecting delivery that can't have been monitored before. Quickly discover the gaps that are slowing you down in any phase of the operation. View every step happening live, so you don't have to wait till an issue builds up and affects the entire process. Discover your real rush hours, and that there isn't a blockade creating false traffic.

Track performance KPIs you set in real time
Even when things are going great, the real time analysis can show how to make it even better. Uncover the unknown reason for any increase in performance or profitability, then begin to recreate it..
Track performance KPIs you set in real time, so you don't need to wait for someone to hand you a report at the end of the month. Use comprehensive analytics to compare every branch's performance, based on their general history across any time, or compare their riders. Compare areas or groups of branches to make precise decisions on a regional level.
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Join the next generation of delivery operations!
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